
I've got spirit! Yes I do! I've got spirit! How 'bout you?

So, I've been following the Olympics and have found a new hero in Dara Torres. Of course, if you're in the U.S., you know by now that NBC has exclusive online rights so it's hard to find any video online. (I'm sure there are those who are technologically more savvy than me and can find them but I don't have the time/patience.) So I wondered if the same applied to the paralympics (held Sep 6-17) or at least find out if anyone is broadcasting it but not having much luck.

There was one site online (www.paralympicsport.tv) that seem to be promising. I guess we'll see.

In my search, I found another site (www.disabilitytv.com) from New Zealand that highlights lives of those who have disabilities. They also have a channel on youtube.

In the meantime, I leave you with two Nike commercials. The first one is of Oscar Pistorius, South African paralympic sprinter, and the second is of Rohan Murphy, U.S. paralympic powerlifter.

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