
Sunday morning...

Max and I went out to the park after I was done with my shift. Looks like they painted all the playground equipment over the summer. Now they are all red, yellow, and blue - I love it! No more sad chipped baby blue with hints of orange and brown. Not until these layers flake off anyway. Quick snap of him trying to conquer the rocketship. (Note: the light pole tilting in the background is due to my cameraphone)

I had my textbooks with me in the car so I was going to read while he played but it was more fun playing, of course. So that's what we did. I did manage to get him to get in the jogging stroller so that I can get some decent exercise.

The other 2 kids were with my mom (her suggestion, not mine, and who can pass up unsolicited babysitting?). It was nice to hang out just with Max. We could actually talk without him feeling like he has to yell for attention. Though our conversation consisted of him telling me that we were going to go to Africa using the submarine (that yellow thing behind rocketship, no not the giraffe, the other yellow thing)

So no OT work done today but we went to Africa so the day was not a total loss :)

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