
Coming up for air...

Finally - Spring Break! It'll be a break from school but work continues - I have two lit reviews to work on and a presentation for work. Somewhere in there, I need to doing some spring cleaning, get the transmission fixed, organize my school work, the chores continue ad nauseum... But hey, no classes? I'll take it. If there could be a Spring Break from motherhood - oops, did I type that? Of course I'm kidding...

The lack of entries is directly correlated to the amount of school this semester (see how I slipped that "correlation" remark in there? Impressed? No? Forget it...)

So what have I learned about this semester? Well, subject-wise, pediatrics.. developmental, NDT, SI, sensory profiles (I'm avoid sensation, not much of a seeker, and need more input for registration - here I thought I was dull). Also, quantitative research and OA Models, primarily MOHO and OA. There's more but I'll stop there. You get to this point that you realize that as much as you've learned already, it's just scraping the surface...

One of the special issues classes I'm going to be taking is "cognition across the lifespan"; I'm excited! I've always been interested in neurology but it had always been more in passing. Yeah, that's right, I'm a brain groupie.

One of the TED speakers this year was Jill Bolte Taylor, a neuroanatomist who herself experienced a stroke. As much as I love the science itself, she provides the insight and experience no textbook could ever convey. Definitely worth the watch:


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