
Wheelchair backflips... and other stuff

First off, Guinness Book of World Record for a wheelchair backflip. I thought this was pretty awesome. I can't even do a wheelie. I think that is because I'm in that I'm-getting-older-and-I-need-to-preserve-myself stage.

[via boingboing]

Right now, I'm currently finishing up my third semester of OT school. This semester, we have been focused primarily on middle adulthood, both physical disabilities as well as mental health. I just got my schedule for the Spring semester (and last semester! lecture-wise anyway). We'll be learning about late adulthood - the population that I envision myself working with. Of course, what I plan may become the exact opposite of what I actually end up doing so who knows...

I'll also be taking a special issues course on hand rehabilitation. So I'll be a splint-making machine. Maybe. Or possibly a splint-making machine that realized that she left the splint material in too long and it's slowly gooping down the scissors. Haven't done that yet but I can see it happening.

I've also been thinking about this blog. There have been plenty of times where I'll come across something and I'll think, "Hey! I should put this up on the blog" but then that morphs into, "Nah, I don't have time to add my bit because then otherwise I'm just linking stuff, which is boring.."

BTW, when I first started this sojourn a year ago, I hated the whole reflecting bit. Why bother? It is what it is. Maybe having been used to be in a black and white clinical world from working in the laboratory influenced that outlook. In any case, I now find myself reflecting more, wondering and being more curious beyond superficial appearances. Could it be? Could I be evolving? Hahaha... there is hope yet!

OK, what was I saying? Oh yeah, this blog. Not sure what the future holds but as soon as I figure that out, um, I'll post it!